Abstract submission to the Russian Cardiovascular Days 2019 


Deadline for abstract submission – March 1st, 2020.  

To submit an abstract please send the paper to rsc@scardio.ru


We kindly ask you to submit your abstracts in advance.

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be taken for consideration.

Dear colleagues! Before submitting an abstract, please review the requirements for abstract submission.

All abstracts are reviewed by the Abstract Committee.

Abstracts are published free of charge.

After review you will be informed on the status of the abstract.

Note! Abstracts are not subject to editorial changes.

The Abstract Committee reserves the right to decline the abstract without no reason given.



Abstract Committee accepts abstracts presenting clinical research on every aspect of cardiology. Abstracts can contain data on basic, translational and clinical research in cardiology; epidemiological, social and psychosocial studies in cardiology; educational projects in cardiology; reports on interesting and unique clinical cases based on one clinical case. Those abstracts containing results of meta-analysis or systematic review will be also examined.

RSC membership is not obligatory to participate in the programme.

Abstracts are not edited. Reasons of decline are not announced.

Applicant take responsibility that all co-authors agree to be included in the authorship and well aware about the content of the abstract.



Abstract is declined without consideration if:

  • The study applied by the author as an abstract cannot be SIMULTANEOUSLY applied as an oral presentation. In that case all applications are rejected without consideration.
  • Abstract is designed improperly.
  • Tobacco companies fully or partly sponsored the study.


Abstract deadline: March 1st, 2020


Abstract design requirements:

  • Volume of the text– 3,000 characters, including spaces.
  • No charts, pictures or links to the sources are allowed in the text.
  • Type of the abstract has to be selected and indicated: “Abstract publication”, “Abstract publication and poster presentation” or “Abstract publication and oral presentation”.
  • Abstract is written in Russian or English.

Abstracts should contain:

  1. Introduction / research basis;
  2. Used methods;
  3. Research results including unpublished new data that hasn’t been presented on the high-scale national or international congress;
  4. Conclusions.


All abstracts that don’t meet these criteria will be declined without consideration.

It is advised to include the following headlines in the abstract: BASIS, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSION.

Clinical case reports:

Reports on interesting and unique clinical cases will be reviewed to be presented on the congress. Each abstract must contain description of one particular case.


Abstract based on clinical case have to include following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Description of the particular case
  3. Review of the novelty and importance of the clinical case.


Research source of funding:

All abstracts must contain source of funding: the name of the pharmaceutical company, grant title and the source of it or another source of funding. Compliance to this requirement is obligatory for abstract review. Abstracts of the studies fully or partly sponsored by the tobacco companies will be rejected without consideration. If there is no actual funding source, indicate “no funding”.

Abstracts have to meet all criteria stated above.


To submit an abstract please send the paper to rsc@scardio.ru

Note! Abstracts are not subject of editorial changes.



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