VIII Global Educational Forum "Russian Cardiovascular Days"
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 22 April - 24 April 2021
We are pleased to welcome the participants of the VIII Global Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days” held on April 22-24, 2021 in Saint-Petersburg.
Interactive programme of the Forum includes clinical case discussions in the light of the latest ESC guidelines as well as lectures on the modern problems of cardiology. Leading Russian and European experts will discuss the most challenging issues and interact with the audience.
Different topics on acute coronary syndrome, arrhythmias, cardiovascular prevention, heart failure and difficult clinical cases will be raised. Focus will be made on the latest ESC guidelines on thromboembolia of pulmonary artery, chronic coronary artery syndrome, supraventricular arrhythmias. Also Russian and foreign opinion leaders will update the knowledge of the audience on imaging in cardiology, TAVI and adherence to therapy.
We hope that the programme will be interesting for a wide range of specialists and students.
Look forward to see you all in Saint-Petersburg!
Co-hairs of the Scientific Committee:
Professor M. Komajda (France)
Professor E. Shlyakhto (Russia)
Professor M. Komajda (France)
Professor E. Shlyakhto (Russia)
Scientific and Organizing Committee:
Prof. Olga Bolshakova (Russia)
Prof. Alexandra Konradi (Russia)
Prof. Alexander Nedoshivin (Russia)
Prof. Olga Bolshakova (Russia)
Prof. Alexandra Konradi (Russia)
Prof. Alexander Nedoshivin (Russia)