Young cardiologists reflect on the ESC Congress 2019 together with World Congress of Cardiology

2019-09-13 00:00:001104

Yury Mareev (Moscow)
"Young cardiologists from Russia become more and more active within the scientific programme of the European Congress of Cardiology. This year, for example, Alexander Romanov (Novosibirsk) presented data of his own randomized study on PAH. And Russian doctors took part in the session on Heart Failure III Registry). It is great to see such interest and energy of our colleagues!"



Sofia Kruchinova (Krasnodar)

"What is ESC Congress for young specialist? If you think that is new and unique knowledge in cardiology, opportunity to personally meet experts from all over the world, getting answers to your questions. it is absolutely true. But that's not all. It is also the feeling of being a part of the global cardiology family. Attracting powers and energy to improve everyday practice and inspiration and helpful professional connections for the new ideas and projects. And it is a great experience and opportunity to see the world!"



Alexandra Pisaryuk (Moscow)

"It was amazing experience to be a part of the EURO-ENDO registry which results were presented at the ESC Congress in Paris! Participation in the European registry was a colossal opportunity for our center as well as discussion of the results with Prof. Gilbert Habib - author of the current guidelines. Besides the registry Russian doctors presented the original stady of kidney damage in infectious endocarditis in multiple sessions. Our team was truly inspired and we will continue our study. Thank you very much to the organizers for the opportunity to talk to the most prominent leaders and to the Russian Society of Cardiology for the support!"



Sofia Kruchinova (Krasnodar)

"The Wrap up Session in Russian is to be mentioned with great pride. This exceptional project gave us an opportunity to receive update on the newly published guidelines. tendencies and latest trials in cardiology and discuss all of it with our colleagues in Russian within the ESC Congress! Such sessions get the feeling of involvement and partnership, increase the desire to continue our joint work and develop in our filds of expertise. ESC Congress is that moment when you can see Paris and not die but prosper and get inspired by the ideas!



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