World Restart a Heart Day is held annually on October 16th

2019-10-16 00:00:001031

World Restart a Heart Day was initiated and launched by the European Resuscitation Council in 2013 to teach people basic principles of CPR and raise cardiac arrest awareness.

Today, on October 16th, Health Museum in Saint-Petersburg opened its doors for all people aged 18 up to demonstrate how they can save life.

There are three simple steps:

- size up the situation
- call the ambulance
- perform CPR

Inititative is supported by the European Resuscitation Council experts from the Almazov Centre. Dr. Alexander Marichev and Dr. Nikita Aram-Balyk discussed and demonstrated the basic CPR. After that people were able to apply new knowledge on the dummy. Experts also showed how to use automatic external defibrillator.



Last year more than 19,000 people learned CPR at 350 master-classes held in Russia.

According to the Resuscitation Council (UK) 238,793 people were trained to perform CPR within the World Restart a Heart Day in 2018!

We thank experts for the demonstration!

More info at

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