Working group of young cardiologists: results of five-year work

2015-04-17 00:00:002508

On April 15th session of the Working Group of Young Cardiologists took place. Chairman Dr Anna Kontsevaya made a report on the activity and results of the 5-year period of chairing this group and introduced new charperson Anna Chernova - young doctor from Krasnoyarsk.

Working Group of Young Cardiologists was created in 2010, and 5-year jubilee is a perfect cause to measure achievements. Moreover, in April 205 new chairperson of the Group was elected.

We created active working group of young specialists in cardiology from different Russian regions.
We launched system of travel grants for young specialists, so that they can participate in the main RSC and ESC meetings. 370 grants within 3 years helped researchers to present results of their work on the Russian and international levels and improve their professional skills.
We organized and carried out special meetings for young doctors, such as Shool of young cardiologist, Forum of young cardiologists and Battle of the Scholars. International Forum of Young Cardiologists became the first meeting of this kind not only in Russia, but in all countries of European Society of Cardiology.
We became a part of the European initiative ESC Cardiologists of tomorrow, participated in the international projects, which allows young Russian cardiologists get free registration on the ESC Congress.
We involved young specialists in the activity of RSC. They take part in translation of the European guidelines, create modules for continuing medical education, participate in social initiatives.


Today Young cardiologists is active and promising part of the society which hold the future of the Russian and international healthcare.

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