Trainng course "Treatment of terminal chronic heart failure. Therapeutic aspects of cardiac transplantation" will be held in Saint-Petersburg

2020-01-28 00:00:00882

On February 4th to 15th, 2020 a trainng course "Treatment of terminal chronic heart failure. Therapeutic aspects of cardiac transplantation" in the Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Saint-Petersburg. We invite doctors of different spicialties interested in CHF and cardiac transplantation. This course will be useful to physicians, cardiologists, ICU specialists, cardiovascular surgeons and general surgeons.

Within two weeks different aspects of patient's management will be discussed: CHF therapy, including in the waiting list, experience of using mechanical circulatiry support, peculiarities of early and late post-transplantation period, schemes for immunosuppression, pathomorphology of cellular and humoral rejection. Special focus will be made on transplant cardiology, post-transplantation comorbidity and experience of dispensary group for monitoring in the AlmazovCentre.

Participants will also have an opportunity to practice their skills in treating patients with terminal chronic heart failure in the waiting list for cardiac transplantation and after the surgery as well as dispensary monitoring of patients in the Almazov Centre.

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