The X Congress of Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan is held in Almaty

2018-06-06 00:00:001744

The X Congress of Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan is held in Almaty.



Prof. Salim Berkinbaev, president of the Association, opened the congress with a talk on the first Plenary session.



Russian Society of Cardiology takes part in the congress with a booth at the exhibition. Executive director Ms. Anastasia Tanicheva represents the Society.



Kazakh colleagues traditionally participate in the scientific meetings of the Russian Society, and we hope that our long-term fruitful cooperation will continue.


Dr. Peter Lansberg from the Netherlands made a presentation on the lipid-lowering therapy.



Within the Congress a photo exhibition Red Dress was held. The aim of the action is to draw public attention to the prevention and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in women. The exhibition is a part of the global initiative Go Red For Women®. In Russia this project had its start in 2004 and was launched by the Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer.




Press conference took place within the X Congress of Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan

Speakers were:
- Prof. Salim Berkinbaev, president of the Association
- Dr. Peter Lansberg (Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
- Prof. Yuriy Lopatin (Volgograd State Medical University, Russia)
- Prof. Simon Matskeplishvili (University Clinic of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
- Ms. Karina Abdullina, singer, composer, ambassador of the Red Dress project in Kazakhstan.

Ms. Abdullina told the reporters that she herself had lost mother, father and the best friend due to heart attack, so she can't be ignorant to the problem of cardiovascular diseases. She encouraged everyone to be careful with their health and listen to their hearts.

To the question about which cardiovascular risk factors are the most common in the Netherlands Dr. Peter Lansberg replied that the situation is quite similar to the rest of Europe, Kazakhstan and Russia. As an example of the effective management of cardiovascular diseases he described the programme of the national screening aimed at revealing the cases of family cholesterine and noted that it had been a very successful project for the Netherlands and it can be implemented in other countries.

Participants said that the congress' programme was very interesting and dedicated to the hot topics in modern cardiology.



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