The working meeting of the ESC and RSC boards was held within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology

2017-10-25 00:00:001546
The working meeting of the ESC and RSC boards was held within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology. RSC President Prof. Shlyakhto and ESC President-Elect Prof. Barbara Casadei were discussing the active participation of the Russian Society in the all-European initiatives and the work of the ESC.
Thus, Russian Society of Cardiology takes the third place in members number among 56 national cardiac societies within the ESC.
According to the previous agreement all RSC members who have paid the membership fee become ESC members automatically. Now, 6050 Russian specialists are members of the European Society of Cardiology. 
RSC actively participate in the European registries: Russia takes the first place in CICD registry on the quantity of opened centers and registred patients.
Within the working meeting the future steps on collaboration were discussed.
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