Scientific meeting with participation of Jean-Charles Fruchart took place in Almazov Centre

2014-02-19 00:00:002210

On February 7, 2014 International scientific conference “Translational and personalized medicine. Current approaches to atherosclerosis treatment” dedicated to Russian Science Day was held in Federal Almazov Centre. Professor Jean-Charles Fruchart,  past president of the International Atherosclerosis Society, R3i President participated in the meeting. He made a presentation on results of ACCORD study that is carried out by R3i and establish cardiovascular risk in diabetes.

Director of Almazov Centre, RAS Academician, Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto emphasize the role of translational and personalized medicine in future development of all Russian medical science. “All presentations were incredibly interesting and important”, - Professor Fruchart said. According to him, discussion of different aspects of atherosclerosis was very fruitful. 

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