Russian social project became 2020 Distinguished Activity Awardee of the World Sleep Day

2020-06-30 00:00:00888

Each year, a selection of Distinguished Activities are chosen by the World Sleep Day Committee. Winners receive one complimentary registration to attend the next World Sleep Congress to receive a trophy at the Opening Ceremony.

This year Drs. Lyudmila Korostovtseva and Mikhail Bochkarev (Russian Society of Somnologists; Almazov National Medical Research Centre; Museum of Health; Russian Society of Cardiology) wan the award with the exhibition “About Sleep” organized in the Health Museum in Saint-Petersburg in March.

The exhibition included several parts:

-lullaby-related part, where the visitors could listen to the lullabies from different regions of Russia, to know more about traditions of lullabies and other sleep-related rituals;
- medical and informative part where the visitors could get some medical information presented in a popular manner about sleep, sleep stages, etc.; as well as several interactive tests (reaction rate, myths about sleep etc.);
-sleep-related technology part, where the visitors could see and try different devices which are used to improve sleep quality and sleep-wakefulness cycle and to treat some sleep disorders (lamps, robots, pillows, CPAP-machines, oral appliances, light therapy glasses).

Within the exhibition a series of popular lectures were held and included the following topics: “Sleep, stress and cardiovascular health” (Lyudmila Korostovtseva, MD, PhD), “Lullabies: psychophysiologist’s point of view” (Valeria Kemstach), “Dreams and discoveries” (Victoria Gordievskaya), “How to manage biological rhythms” (Mikhail Bochkarev, MD, PhD), “How to manage sleepiness” (Sofia Osipenko). After the exhibition was closed due to the pandemic, the lectures were continued virtually.

Congratulations to the whole team!

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