"Russian Cardiovascular Days". Professor Alexander Nedoshivin

2014-06-04 00:00:002760


Professor Alexander Nedoshivin, RSC Secretary General

Q: Why is The 2nd Global Educational Forum "Russian Cardiovascular Days" is so significant?
A: First of all, Russian Cardiovascular Days is accredited in the pilot project of the Russian Ministry of Health and 
cipant registered in the project will receive CME credits. Moreover, when co-chairmen each partiProfessor Evgeny Shlyakhto, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, and Professor Michel Komajda, Past President of the European Society of Cardiology, was planning this Forum, they aimed to give Russian doctors opportunity to learn from the leading experts on the hottest topics in cardiology. That is why scientific program consists late recommendations and clinical reviews.

Q: Which specialists will be interested in participation the Russian Cardiovascular Days?
A: We believe that scientific program of this Forum will be interesting for wide range of specialists as it includes not only lectures by the leading Russian and foreign experts but also many clinical reviews. On the first Educational Forum which took place in Moscow last year this strategy proved itself right, so this year we decided to make a tradition and each session ends with questions and discussion. We hope that all participants will be able to discuss intersting practical issues of patients treatment considering recent recommendations.

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