RSC had a joint session at the Turkish Congress of Cardiology

2019-10-07 00:00:001061

Within the 35th Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation held on October 3-6th, 2019 in Antalya, a Joint Turkish-Russian symposium titled "Imaging Technologies in Clinical Decision Making in Heart Failure Patients" took place. The session was co-chaired by the President of the Turkish Society Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Erol and President of the Russian Society Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto.

Dr. Ebru Ozpelit opened the session with a lecture titled "The role of multimodality imaging in the evaluation of different etiologies in heart failure" and Prof. Ayca Boyac? spoke on Mitral valve interventions. Prof. Shlyakhto made a presentation "Clinical decision in mitral regurgitation: the role of echocardiography in common clinical practice", and Prof. Yury Belenkov (Moscow), RSC Vice-President, presented on Imaging technologies in detection of cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy.

All presentations were followed by discussion. In conclusion Prof. Shlyakhto thanked the Turkish Society and noted that the practice of joint sessions helps to share valuable experience of different countries and skills of leading experts, and invited TSC to the next Russian Congress in Kazan in 2020. This year at the RussianCongress in Ekaterinburg the Joint Russian-Turkish Symposium was held as well.

Apart from the joint session, the scientific programme of the Turkish Congress included the talk of Prof. Yury Lopatin (Volgograd) in the special TSC-HFA session.

Russian Society of Cardiology also had a booth at the exhibition to promote its activities and future meetings.

RSC thanks organizers and the whole team of Turkish Society and hopes to continue the cooperation in the future!




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