Reviews on the Russian Cardiovascular Days - 2014

2014-06-06 00:00:002662


Anna Chernova, Krasnoyarsk
I am really greatful to Russian Society of Cardiology for the grant and opportunity to participate in the Russian Cardiovascular Days. The high level of lectures, including in English, so you can not only know latest cardiological news but also upgrade medical English. I enjoy the the format of the meeting - we have opportunity to speak to the lecturers in informal way. It is truly great!


Professor Aligadzhi Abdullaev, Chief og Regional RSC Office in the Republic of Dagestan.

In the organization of the Russian Cardiovascular Days I would like to mention diversified and rich programme with fresh and actual information, so doctors can use it in research and clinical practice. Lectures by leading experts, amazing organization and helpful staff - all of this make really good base for the Russian Cardiovascular Days. Two representatives from Dagestan regional office received grants to participate in the meeting. And we will send new knowledge to our colleagues and will use it in our work.


Sergey Verbilo, Saint-Petersburg

Global Educational Forum is an unique chance to listen to interesting lectures and speak to great Russian and foreign scientists. Thanks to organizers for that!


Doctors Cherepenin and Karpenko, Chelyabinsk

We are totally amazed! Really enjoyed the presentations, especially lecture by Professor Shubik "Treatment of the supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrythmia in ischemic heart disease". In our region such lectures are rare, so we truly appreciate it.


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