Representatives of TEVA company and the Russian Society of Cardiology jointly visited the Israel Centre for Medical Simulation

2013-07-04 00:00:002542

In July, representatives of TEVA company and the Russian Society of Cardiology jointly visited the Israel Centre for Medical Simulation



Street view



               Main building of the Centre                                                     Street view


During the visit, Deputy Director of the Centre Kim MacMillan told the Russian guests about their work principles, gave a tour and explained how the learning process is organized.


The Israel Centre for Medical Simulation has been working for 11 years and provides training both for medical students, nurses, paramedics and trainers from various simulation centres in Israel and other countries. 


There are up to 6 students and a teacher in every group

A technical assistant controls the simulator and changes parameters


The general approach to the process of learning can be shortly defined as “try doing yourself – watch others – discuss”. Special attention is paid to the process of watching other students doing the same task and case discussions in special debriefing rooms.


View from a room where students watch their colleagues’ work.  Headphones allow them understanding everything that happens behind the glass wall

Every classroom door is labeled with a case description


Education is aimed both at work with various medical equipment and at training communication skills with patients of different age, nationality, social status as well as patients under stress. 


Storage of consumables

Videocameras are not only in classrooms. This is because training may happen everywhere, for example, learning how to deal with an emergency case in a blocked lift


Professional actors are actively involved in training. They model complicated and uncomfortable for doctors psychological situations. Other students watch the communication process behind the glass wall. After the discussion, students are given a disk with the recorded case so that they could watch the material again.


The visit to the Israel Centre for Medical Simulation was very useful for RSC representatives and hopefully will result in joint projects in the near future. 




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