Author from Sochi received a scientific grant in cardiology for his project

2019-09-24 00:00:001198

On September 24th Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer announced the winner of the joint educational and scientific grant for cardiologists studying atherosclerosis in patients with chronic CAD. In total, 47 applications from 24 Russian regions and 44 hospitals were received and assessed by the expert committee.


The results were announced at the Ipeninf Ceremony of the Russian National Congress if Cardiology. The winner is Dr. Mikhail Zykov from Sochi with the work titled “Development of the innovative model of risk stratification for non-coronary atherosclerosis based on the complex of clinical and epidemiological factors aimed at creating effective algorithm of diagnosis of peripheral atherosclerosis among patients with stable coronary artery disease”. He will receive a grant of 500,000 Rub to continue his work on the project.


Projects were assessed by the following criteria: scientific value and novelty, multidisciplinary approach, possibility to implement the methods to the real clinical practice and social and economic value of the project.


RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto said after the expert committee meeting: We have this programme jointly with Bayer for the second year in a row, and activity of the doctors is very pleasing. The topic of the grant is unique. We are happy that it brings so much interest in medical community. I want to thank all participants and follow the news and apply next year”.


“This project helps us to attract attention to the grey zones of the modern medicine and support those specialists who work on building a new effective algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of high risk patients. We are please that our joint initiative with the Russian Society not only attracts interest of medical community but demonstrates real results as well” added Dmitry Vlasov, Bayer medical director.

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