Anna Kontsevaya tells about the educational forum of young cardiologists

2014-02-18 00:00:002671

Interview with Anna Kontsevaya, MD, head of young cardiologists working group


This forum is the second, how does it differ from the first one?

This is the second forum of young cardiologists which is organized in Russia. It is radically different from the first forum which was in Samara in 2012 due to form and content. We are young and creative, so we are constantly looking for new ideas and trying new formats for our events. The first forum was an opportunity for young professionals to present their scientific findings and to discuss it with leading experts of the country. It was in the format of scientific sessions where one report of leading expert was supplemented by 3-4 young professionals with their own scientific and practical details. This format of the forum was very successful and revealed a number of educational needs of young cardiologists, which are the focus of the second forum. By the way key issues of Clinical Cardiology are highlighted by leading Russian and foreign experts during variety of activities, such as the National Congress of Cardiology and the Days of the heart. But the knowledge and practical skills for the planning and conduction of researches as well as reports of results at Russian and international congresses and at journals are not always sufficient. That is why we need such events of appropriate profile. Thus, the second forum will focus on knowledge in the field of research planning, statistical processing of results, basic concepts of epidemiology and health economics, as well as the development of practical skills in articles and in presentations of research results. Leading Russian specialists will take part in lectures and workshops.


Who is the target audience of the forum?

The target audience of the forum is young professionals with an active lifestyle who combines scientific and practical activities and wishes to acquire the necessary skills in order to present results at the international level. The forum program is universal and may be in point of interest of cardiologists and another specialties: general practice, neurology, endocrinology, etc.

This forum will take place in Moscow and not everybody who wishes to participate will be able to come. Will the Forum materials be available on the website of Russian society of cardiology?

Forum will be in Moscow, and in order to enable the participation of young professionals from the regions, Russian society of cardiology has provided 50 grants. A competition was held on the basis of practical and scientific experience and achievements, as well as motivation of the participants, so we selected 50 young researchers from 24 cities of Russia.


What young cardiologists group are the interested in?

Working group of young cardiologists exists more than 3 years. We have done quite a lot of interesting things during this time. We held the first European Forum of young cardiologists in 2012; we were visited by representatives of European countries. Further, in 2013 we got followers, conferences of young cardiologists have been held in the Czech Republic and some other countries, but we were the first. We conducted series of educational activities in various formats: Internet Schools, intramural schools, scientific symposia at the National Congress of Cardiology, and etc. Young cardiologists use their knowledge of the English language for the dissemination of knowledge among Russian physicians translating recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology and other educational materials. We present Russian society of cardiology at international congresses, primarily at the European Congress of Cardiology. Generally young Russian cardiologists have a unique opportunities for visiting of the Russian and international congresses, such as a system of grant support, which is currently implementing by Russian society of cardiology.


What are your plans?

Our immediate plan is active participation in the European Congress of Cardiology; last year young professionals presented adequately our society at this landmark scientific event. The scientific program included about 50% of abstracts submitted by young cardiologists; it is a very good result, because Russian authors achieve on average 20% of the submitted abstracts. This year Russian society of cardiology gives 15 grants for young cardiologists, whose works will be included in the scientific program. Also we have a plan to organize a scientific research for young cardiologists.


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