27th Nordic-Baltic Congress of Cardiology (NBCC2019): Call for abstracts deadline is February 28, 2019

2019-02-13 00:00:001281

27th Nordic-Baltic Congress of Cardiology (NBCC2019) will be organized in June 10-12, 2019 in Helsinki, Finland.

Not only Nordic and Baltic but also other colleagues all over the world are invited to join the congress and send an abstract - Call for abstracts deadline is February 28, 2019.

Please see the website for further details: www.nbcc2019.org and twitter@NBCC2019.

Target audience of the congress: specialists and trainees in cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, anaesthesiology, internal medicine, emergency medicine and intensive care medicine. Special attention is paid to young cardiologists’ education by giving opportunities to hear the latest developments and guidelines as well as a chance to interact with peers / renowned experts – not forgetting the  chance to present scientific research as posters. 

Nordic-Baltic Congress of Cardiology brings together specialists from the Nordic-Baltic countries and Europe with special interests in clinical cardiology, cardiovascular nursing and cardiovascular research to share the best practice with local point-of-view and to facilitate research and clinical collaboration networking. The NBCC2019 Congress provides lectures and workshops with expert insights into the current state of cardiology. The scientific programme is focused on the selected main topics introducing participant to the latest advancements and best clinical practices on the Nordic-Baltic region and Europe in each topic.

NBCC2019 is organized in co-operation with the Nordic-Baltic Cardiology Alliance and the Nordic Baltic group on Cardiovascular Nursing and allied professions. The European Reference Network for rare, low prevalence and complex diseases of the heart (ERN GUARD-Heart) supports the scientific/educational content of the congress.

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