2021 ISHNE/HRS/EHRA/APHRS Collaborative Statement on mHealth in Arrhythmia Management is available in Russian

2021-04-14 00:00:00766

2021 ISHNE/HRS/EHRA/APHRS Collaborative Statement on mHealth in Arrhythmia Management is available in Russian

This ISHNE/HRS/EHRA/APHRS collaborative statement describes the current status of mobile health (mHealth) technologies in arrhythmia management. The range of digital medical tools and heart rhythm disorders that they may be applied to and clinical decisions that may be enabled are discussed. The facilitation of comorbidity and lifestyle management (increasingly recognized to play a role in heart rhythm disorders) and patient self-management are novel aspects of mHealth. The promises of predictive analytics but also operational challenges in embedding mHealth into routine clinical care are explored.

The document wast translated in Russian and published on the Heart Rhythm Society website https://www.hrsonline.org/guidance/clinical-resources/2021-ishnehrsehraaphrs-mhealth

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