Stroke risk post-MI declining, especially in diabetics

The risk of having a stroke in the year after MI has dropped over a 10-year period in those with and without diabetes, but the decline was particularly marked among diabetic patients, a new study has shown.

Treatment strategies in patients with statin intolerance: The Cleveland Clinic experience

This study was conducted to review treatment strategies for patients intolerant to statin therapy with a focus on intermittent statin dosing.

American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Launches New Online CME/CE Education Activity on Reducing Radiation Exposure

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) has recently released an online education program for physicians and technologists involved in the practice of nuclear cardiology.

Сonferences Eureka Science

It is our great pleasure to announce the latest editions of our very successful series of conferences; the “6th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy” and the “3rd Biotechnology World Congress” in Dubai UAE.

Program Improves Blood Pressure Control

A large-scale program for controlling high blood pressure in a California health care system could help pave the way for improving blood pressure control in the general population.

Effect of cangrelor on periprocedural outcomes in percutaneous coronary interventions: a pooled analysis of patient-level data

Cangrelor is a potent, rapid-acting, reversible intravenous platelet inhibitor that was tested for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in three large, double-blind, randomised trials.

Impact of obesity on response to thienopyridine and bleeding risk in patients treated after acute coronary syndrome by clopidogrel or prasugrel

Variability of response to thienopyridine has been described for both clopidogrel and prasugrel.
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