The associations of blood pressure with the different manifestations of incident cardiovascular disease in a contemporary population have not been compared.
Despite endorsement of digoxin in clinical practice guidelines, there exist limited data on its safety in atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF).
What are the rates and predictors of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) infection in a large cohort of Medicare patients?
What are the long-term outcomes in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals with a Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) pattern on the electrocardiogram?
The mortality rate of people who survived at least a month after having a stroke at age 15 to 49 was 15.7% over a mean 10 years of follow-up and 23.0% cumulatively with up to 17 years of follow-up...
Restarting warfarin (Coumadin) after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) improved overall outcomes despite the bleeding risk, an observational Medicare study showed.
Researchers at the University of Alberta have developed a synthetic peptide that could be the first in a new class of drugs to treat heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.