Relationship between erectile dysfunction and coronary anatomy in patients with ischemic heart disease debut

The prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with high cardiovascular risk (CVR) is elevated.

Systolic Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Outcomes During Treatment of Hypertension

Randomized controlled trials in hypertension demonstrate cardiovascular benefits when systolic blood pressures are reduced from higher values to<160 mm Hg.

Study: Docs in Dark About Complementary Therapies

Many cardiology patients use complementary medicines and therapies but they may not routinely share that information with their doctors, researchers reported.

Excess salt blamed for 2.3 million deaths from CVD worldwide in 2010

Researchers estimate that in 2010, adults in most parts of the world consumed about twice as much salt as recommended.

Chlorthalidone Versus Hydrochlorothiazide for the Treatment of Hypertension in Older Adults: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Some evidence suggests that chlorthalidone may be superior to hydrochlorothiazide for the treatment of hypertension.

"High-potency" statins linked to acute kidney injury in analysis

Taking statins at "high-potency" dosages, with levels depending on the agent, appears to raise the adjusted risk of acute kidney injury by 34% over the first four months of treatment, compared with taking lower-dose statins, suggests an analysis.

The Effect of CRT Therapy on RV Function in Patients with Severe LV Dysfunction: A Matched Control Study

Whilst numerous studies have established the prognostic and symptomatic benefits of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on left ventricle (LV), its effect on right ventricular (RV) function has not been well described.
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