Breath of hope for pulmonary hypertension patients

Most of us draw roughly 25,000 breaths a day without any thought. But for patients with pulmonary hypertension, a life-threatening increase in blood pressure in the lungs, even the smallest task can leave them gasping for air.

Acetaminophen may help prevent kidney injury after pediatric bypass

Acetaminophen inhibits the formation of a lipid peroxidation molecule that has been linked to acute kidney injury after pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, according to new data.

Electronic application service of the Russian National congress of cardiology 2014 was opened

Electronic application service for carrying out the events within Russian National Congress of Cardiology was put in motion on RSC website.

Renin-angiotensin system blockers underprescribed after ACS

Approximately one in five eligible patients hospitalized for ACS do not receive guideline-recommended ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker therapies.

Effects of antihypertensive treatment in patients over 65 years of age: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled studies

Context Despite the high incidence of hypertension, the elderly population is not represented in clinical trials as they have upper age limits or do not present age-specific results.

CardioBuzz: USPSTF Finalizes Vitamin Guidance

After considering public comments, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) finalized its updated recommendations on the use of vitamin, mineral, and multivitamin supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Carotid approaches found safe after thrombolysis for stroke

Urgent carotid artery stenting and endarterectomy were associated with similar 30-day mortality and stroke rates in stroke patients treated with or without thrombolysis.
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