My colleague Julia Viktorovna Evsyutina, vice-chairwoman of the Young Scientists Section of the National Internet Society for Internists and I gave presentation «The role of disnance medical education in young spesialist practice».  


R. N. Shepel, the vice-chairman of the RSC Young Cardiologists working group and J.V. Evsyutina, the vice-chairwoman of the National Internet Society for Internists Young Scientists Section.


Considering the enormous territory of our country and its remoteness from major scientific centers, distance learning and sharing of experience via the internet broadcasting is gaining increasing popularity and becoming highly demanded. This process results in the perceptible demonopolization in the medical knowledge industry.  Nowadays we have lots to share with colleagues from abroad. Hence the clear testimonial of that is represented by the collaborative projects of distance learning, having been launched on behalf of the Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC) and the National Internet Society for Internists.

We presented to our international colleagues the topic devoted to the activity of Young Scientists Section within the National Internet Society for Internists as well as the projects being run by the RSC Section «Information technologies in cardiology».

The participants were impressed by the unique format of the International Internet Forum of Young Scientists, having reiterated the willingness to take part in the forthcoming event. They were specifically inspired by the project «We do not learn for school, but for life» that promotes the opportunity to young specialists to present resuls of their clinical and scientific work, real-life fascinating clinical cases and so forth. Indexing of progams by the National electronic library database facilitates the increase in publishing activity and Hirsch index. Novice investigators enthusiastically accepted the idea to submit their articles for publication in the journal «Internist Forum». In this particular edition PhD students are encouraged to publish their scientific papers in a special section «PhD Corner». 


The participants were pleasantly surprised at the fact that by taking part in the projects like RCS-online, Medical detective, News of evident-based cardiology and so on they are allowed to gain educational credits (the system similar to CME in foreign countries), that are taken to cosideration while professional upgrade and recertification.  

Despite the current unstable political situation, the WHSS participants were enjoyng the relaxing, lively and laid-back atmosphere. The representatives from different countries were vividly engaged in getting acquainted and supporting each other, exchanging contact details and paying genuine interest to what was happening these days, for the numerous times confirming the Hippocratic phrase «Medicine is of all the Arts the most noble». 



Ruslan Shepel, e-mail:





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