The participants started Ceremonial opening of Symposium with the minute of silence to honor victims of recent terror attacks in Paris, resulted in the death of hundreds of people. 


A minute of silence to honor victims of terror attacks


The representative of France and the Symposium working group member Matthieu Guemann emphasized in his report that only by means of collaboration and strengthening our skills we will be able to  effectively stand against people’s bloodshed and suffering. Addressing his message to the audience, Matthieu particularly pointed out that all the efforts, sleepless nights and constant work on improving yourself are aimed only at providing free of charge, highly professional and qualified service to those who are in need of medical help. And no one can't fail to agree with this statement. 

The dean of Medical faculty from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje, Macedonia) professor Nikola Yankulovski actively took part in the international meetning. His report was full of sincere gratitude and pride of his students, who succeded in organizing and holding such an ambitious impressive event. «We will always be here for you to support your efforts, you are our pride and the brightest fututre» - said professor Yankulovski.  


Matthieu Guemann’s (France) speech 

The welcoming speech of professor Nikola Yankulovski ловски


The Symposium programm was enriched with the variety of lectures, round-table sessions and seminars, where participants got accquainted with medical news in an interactive manner as well as with the problems and goals that healthcare professionals are facing all over the world. Young investigators were given an exclusive chance to discuss the results of their scientific work with internationally  recognized professionals from France, Iran, Turkey and Great Britain. The diversity of reports' topics defined the broad range of thematic sections. 


Among the issues, having been discussed with the highest interest, were the problems of antibiotic resistancу and the questions of rational use of medications; the ideas of transhumanism in modern medicine; Ebola fever; diagnostic aspects of cardiovascular diseases; steem cells application; the place and role of the human microbiome in disease development, diagnostic and treatment approach to malignant diseases, pitfalls of scientific manuscript writing and publishing by the young specialist; employment of young doctors after graduating from medical university and many other hot topics.    





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