Say "yes" to the control of thrombosis and stroke!

2017-09-02 00:00:001707

Самостоятельный контроль МНО (постер)


Within the World Thrombosis Day taking place on October 13th a social action to prevent one of the most common death cause - thrombosis and stroke - will be held in Russia for the sixth time. It is called the INR Day.

In 2017 the social action was joined by 30 medical institutions in 14 Russian cities. The ptoject is supported by the Russian Society of Cardiology and aimed to bring public attention to importance of using anticoagulants for reducing thrombosis and stroke risks by well-timed control of blood-clotting. This action is targeted at patients using warfarin or other antocoagulants. At this day they can freely measure the level of international normalized ratio (INR) defining blood-clotting by express-testing and get the results within several minutes and a consultation.

For the last five years a serious success in monitoring the patients was achieved. More than 30 anticoagulant exam rooms were created in Saint-Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Kursk and Kemerovo. More and more patients begin to control INR at home on their own after serious surgical interventions.

In 2017 the INR Day will be held in 14 Russian cities.

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