Russia has topped the list of countries participating in international registers

2018-09-27 00:00:001795

Decreasing of mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is impossible without obtaining reliable data on patients with various CVD, their treatment. We are looking for palatable solutions necessary for developing and improving cardiac care and should rely on an accurate assessment of the current situation. Only Registers would allow gaining this information. The Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC) is participating in an unprecedentedly big program of studying the state of cardiac care and results of cardiac patient treatment - EURObservational Research Program (EORP) by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). As a part of this program, the first results of the pilot register of patients with chronic coronary heart disease (CHD) have already been published, demonstrating the need for a long-term study that will improve the effectiveness of patient treatment.

The Coordinating Council of the European Society of Cardiology initiated two major international registries: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and STEMI Registry and Chronic Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease (CICD) Long-Term Registry. RSC is taking an active part in these registers. The national coordinator of both registers is E.V. Shlyakhto, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of RSC.

22 countries are involved in the IHD register. Russia has topped the list for two years in terms of a number of centers and patients participating in this register. We have opened 45 centres (out of 192 in Europe) and have recruited 2,064 patients (out of 8,582 in Europe). The Russian Society of Cardiology thanks all the centres for participating in this large-scale European project.

The work on the ACS register will have been completed by April 2019. 28 countries are taking part in this register. Russia is first in terms of the number of centres and second in terms of the number of patients. We have opened 41 centres (out of 208 in Europe) and recruited 1,548 patients (out of 8,710 in Europe).

Now you can register a centre for participation in the new European Register "Atrial Fibrillation III" (AF III), which studies up-to-date treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation.

Participation in the ESC and RSC Registers is prestigious; coordinators and researchers of the centres that have recruited the minimum required number of patients are going to co-author all major and additional scientific works. What is more, one can use the information received at the center for national publications, abstracts and poster presentations; and also carry out its statistical analysis (duplication of analysis of the main publications with national data). After the work on the register is completed, there will be a symposium at the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists to present the results of the centre’s  work that have recruited the largest number of patients. Any participant of a register has the right for a free registration at the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists with providing the Congress and portfolio materials on a preliminary request (not later than one month before the Congress).

The first RSC Symposium on Registers, entitled Registers as an Important Tool of Values-Based Medicine, will be held at the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists on September 27, 2018, at 11:00 in the Press Room.



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