2013 ESC Gold Medal award winners

Two ESC gold medallists for 2013: Evgeny Chazov and Douglas Zipes receive ESC honours.

ESC is pleased to endorse the 2nd Global Cardiovascular Forum in St. Petersburg in 2014

Professor Komajda is pleased to inform that Prs. Jeroen Bax and Alex Vahanian have accepted the endorsement by ESC of the 2nd Global Cardiovascular Forum in St. Petersburg in 2014.

Определены лауреаты конкурса молодых ученых

На сайте опубликован список номинантов конкурса молодых ученых Национального конгресса кардиологов 2013.

UEFA 2013. News of our national team and Red Dress initiative

On July 10, 2013 in Sweden, European Football Women’s Championship was started - UEFA Women’s EURO 2013.

Representatives of TEVA company and the Russian Society of Cardiology jointly visited the Israel Centre for Medical Simulation

In July, representatives of TEVA company and the Russian Society of Cardiology jointly visited the Israel Centre for Medical Simulation www.msr.org.il

News of Cardiology, 2nd issue Focus on Acute Coronary Syndrome

The 2nd issue of the journal “News of Cardiology” has been published on site.
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