RSC president Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto is honoured with the ESC Gold Medal

We would like to sincerely congratulate Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto with this incredible award and wish him even more professional success and opportunities to realize his ideas!

The results of the MMM17 in Russia were included in the Lancet journal

In May 2018 issue of the Lancet journal an article presenting the results of the May Measurement Month 2017 (MMM17) was published.

Belgorod joined the global social inititative - MMM18

Students not only measured the blood pressure but also discussed with the patients tips for a healthy lifestyle, risk factors of hypertension and the importance of BP control.

On May 11th, 2018 ESC president Prof. Jeroen J. bax visited Saint-Petersburg

Prof. Jeroen J. Bax, president of the European Society of Cardiology had a meeting with Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto, president of the Russian Society of Cardiology.


We invite you to take part in the global initiative this year as well.

EuroPrevent congress was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on April 19-21, 2018

EuroPrevent Congress is annual meeting organized by the ESC European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). In 2018 the congress was held on April 19-21 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

On April 19-21 the VI Global Educational Forum was held in Saint-Petersburg

On April 19-21 the VI Global Educational Forum was held in Saint-Petersburg.
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