Join the Acute Coronary Syndrome STEMI Registry!

2016-04-28 00:00:002039

We are happy to inform you that the ACS STEMI Registry within the EURObservational Research Programme by the European Society of Cardiology is moving along well. 33  countries  have  agreed  to  join  the  registry,  so  far.  Today  91  active  centres  over  21
countries have started their data entry. Russia also started to enrol consecutive  patients recently in 2016.

As for April 25th, 2016 Saudi Arabia, Czech Republic and Poland have the highest numbers of patient enrolment. Russia has enroled 21 patients yet, and we have a long way to go as we need to enrol at least 60 consecutive patients per centre. The objective of the registry is to reach 10 000 patients by the end of the third quarter of 2016.

Co-Chairmen of the ACS STEMI registry - Professors Uwe Zeymer, Nicolas Danchin, Franz Weidinger, Dr. Peter Ludman - and the Russian Society of Cardiology encourage you to participate in the registry by following easy steps:
1.  Complete your data entry and make sure all questions are replied to.
2.  Sign-off the eCRF on the last page of each section.
3.  Verify if there are any queries in your patient list.
4.  Resolve all the queries for your patients by correcting the data in the eCRF or answering in the patient notes.
5.  Don’t forget to save!
CRF can be found on

More inforamtion about the registry:
Should you have any suggestions, questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact at

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