External CME credits for participation in the Russian Cardiovascular Days

2014-06-01 00:00:002610


Russian Cardiovascular Days is the first RSC meeting accredited in the project of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on continuous medical education (CME). Each participant of the forum registered in the program will receive 16 external CME credits for active participation in the Russian Cardiovascular Days. Later these CME credits will be recorded as study hours during next advanced training.

Pilot project on CME is a stage of switching on from the old model of postgraduate education (1 time in 5 years) to the modern model of continuous education. 9 Russian regions joined the project so far.

Russian Society of Cardiology unites leading experts in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases from all over the country and has great educational potential that will be actively used in postgraduate medical education in Russia.


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