Annual HFA Summit 2017 in Krakow, Poland

2017-11-08 00:00:001891

On November 4th, 2017 a Summit of National Heart Failure Societies took place in Krakow, Poland. Over 40 representatives from heart failure societies and working groups all over Europe gathered to take part in this highly interactive meeting aimed at addressing the needs of the National HF Societies and lay down the basis for cooperation amongst our societies.
Participants highly appraised the following initiatives of the Russian Heart Failure Society and Russian Society of Cardiology:
- translation of the European guidelines on heart failure 2016 in Russian and publishing it in the Russian Journal of Cardiology and the RSC website
- creating of the National guidelines on heart failure and physical exercises in HF
- signing the Charter of Good Editorial Practice of the Russian cardiology journals
- opening the first heart failure clinics in Russia.
It was underlined that Russia still takes the leading place in a number of abstract applications on European Heart Failure Congress.
HFA Board member Prof. Yuriy Lopatin and chairman of the Russian Heart Failure Society Prof. Igor Fomin took part in the meeting from the Russian part.

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