1st European Update Congress in Cardiology

Vienna, Austria, 15 May - 16 May 2015

Information letter




Dear Friends,

We are glad to forward to the Russian Society of Cardiology 10 invitations to the   prestigious Cardio Update Europe 2015 to be held in Vienna, between 15 -16.5.2015. Of these, 5 invitations include full waivers of enrollment  and 5 include a 200€ discount of the enrollment fee if an ePoster is submitted in the field of Cardiology which is accepted by the organizing committee.

Travel and accommodation have to be arranged personally on the participant's account, through the site which appears in the attached flyer and can be accessed through the internet http://www.cardio-update-europe.eu/.  Information on the posters submission process can be obtained on http://www.cardio-update-europe.eu/eposters

This is an update on the MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS in 14 fields of Cardiology in the year 2014 and NOT simply state of the art lectures. It started in Germany in all medical professions (Gastro, Neuro, Hematology, etc) with up to 1000 participants/meeting with a total of 25.000 participants in 2014 in Germany! It is meant to all professionals and   NOT specifically to fellows in Cardiology.

For your convenience we attach hereby the flyer of the Congress.

We hope to see you in Vienna

Kind regards

Prof Michael Boehm                                                                                                                                       

Prof Andre Keren,                                                                                                                                   

 in the name of The Organizing Committee of the Congress

Find out more about the congress



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