The 4th All-Russian Conference “The Controversies of Modern Cardiology: Disputable and Unresolved Questions”

2016-10-31 00:00:001430

On October 21-22 the 4th All-Russian Conference “The Controversies of Modern Cardiology: Disputable and Unresolved Questions” was successfully held in Samara. Leading Russian and foreign experts in cardiovascular prevention, diagnostic and therapy of arrhythmia, syncope, hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders took part in the work of the conference.

Joint symposia of RSC and ESC Working group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases, scientific sessions of EHRA, ISHNE and RSC section on arrhythmias dedicated to prevention of acute cardiac death, syncope and new approaches in VT treatment, were organized and conducted on the highest level.

Traditionally, special sessions for young cardiologists were presented within the Samara forum: research works contest, rare clinical cases session, poster session and "Clever fellows" team competition.

The most active participants received travel grants to the International forum of young cardiologists 2017 in Krasnoyarsk.

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