The city of Surgut joined the global initiative MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH 2017 (MMM17)

2017-05-14 00:00:001661


Hypertension is a worldwide epidemic that threatens people from different countries. Diagnosis of this disease is the first step to fighting hypertension.

The project MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH 2017 was held along with the Day of family health in Surgut. Both events will take place on May 13th on the eve of the World Hypertension Day 2017 (May 17th). Doctors from the RSC Young cardiologists Working group will measure the blood pressure in anyone who wants to. It will take place in Regional Cardiology Dispensary "Center for diagnostic and cardiovascular surgery".

After the first stage of the MMM17 it is planned to measure the blood pressure in personnel and students of the Surgut State University during this month.




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