Special EACVI HIT membership offer (65 euros instead of 78 euros for Silver level) ending on 4 July 2016.

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European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) is a branch of European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the leading International network on Cardiovascular Imaging. It is a vibrant community comprising experts in Echocardiography, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT.

EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow (EACVI HIT) (formely Club 35) committee was created in December 2010 with the task of enhancing the position of young doctors under 38 years old or in training under 40 years old within the Cardiovascular Imaging community.

Main initiatives:

·  Membership at 50% discount*

·  One-year subscription to the online European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging*

·  Tailored educational & scientific resources

·  Dedicated sessions & courses at EACVI congresses

·  Discounts on registration for congresses, certification exams, teaching courses & educational products

·  Access to the EACVI Grants in training & research

·  Networking opportunities

 * Applies to Silver membership level


The EACVI is committed to provide high-quality educational and scientific online resources and help its members enhancing their continued medical training. EACVI members get exclusive access to the online educational platform which includes:

·                    Webinars (Live Online Courses)

·                    Imaging Toolboxes

·                    Basic echocardiography course

·                    Pocket Size Ultrasound Devices Course

·                    EACVI Echocardiography e-learning course

·                    Imaging Case Gallery

·                    Content from EACVI past congresses

·                    EACVI Recommendations

·                    WikiEcho encyclopaedia

The EACVI organises several teaching courses per year in collaboration with National working groups of Echocardiography. Members can register at a special rate.

The EACVI offers Research and training grants to help young experts in obtaining valuable experience and skills in a high standard academic centre in an ESC member country, other than their own.  Don't miss this opportunity to get specialised training or research in a non-invasive cardiovascular imaging technique! The application process for EACVI Research and Training grants 2017 is open.

Become an EACVI HIT member and benefit from exclusive advantages, large range of products and services on 4 Imaging modalities but at a single fee! Special EACVI HIT membership offer (65 euros instead of 78 euros for Silver level) ending on 4 July 2016.

For more information, go to http://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Communities/ESC-Young-Community/EACVI-HIT/heart-imagers-of-tomorrow-the-eacvi-young-community.



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