Signing of a trilateral agreement - the beginning of a global educational project for youth

2021-06-04 00:00:00856

Russian Society of Cardiology, Akmazov National Medical Resaarch Centre and biotechnology company Amgen signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of education in the field of medicine, biotechnology and genetic engineering using advanced technologies in the Russian Federation.
On June 2, 2021 within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Amgen, the Institute of Medical Education of the Almazov Centre and the Russian Society of Cardiology announced cooperation. The partners signed an agreement for a period of 2 years.
The parties have a goal to work together to develop education in the field of medicine, biotechnology and genetic engineering using the advanced technologies and international experience of Amgen. The parties intend to develop educational programs, exchange experience with international experts, as well as conduct career guidance events in these areas for students of higher educational institutions, young scientists and schoolchildren using simulation and interactive equipment.
“It is necessary to teach the younger generation those technologies and methods in healthcare that will be relevant by the time the specialist graduates, that is, in 6-8 or more years. Such training is possible only in scientific centers where the technologies of tomorrow are concentrated. Using international experience and interactive platforms in cooperation with Amgen we will create a modern educational program, make a significant contribution to the development of education in the field of medicine and biotechnology in Russia ", - said Evgeny Shlyakhto, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology.
Experts of the Institute of Medical Education plan to use the extensive world base of courses, a library of practical and laboratory knowledge from the resources of the Amgen Foundation, integrate it into new and existing courses for students and residents, develop an exchange of experience with European colleagues. The parties intend to organize the "Boiling Point" space for workshops in the field of biotechnology, biology, medicine using simulation equipment and interactive programs. It is planned that the space will be open to the public for interested residents and guests of St. Petersburg.
Report (in Russian)


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