Russian Society of Cardiology won the grant of the World Heart Federation

2022-01-25 00:00:00627

Last year RSC applied for the grant of WHF for social educational and healthcare projects and was awarded with 2,000 CHF grant.

The project titled Healthy sleep - healthy you! is aimed at education of children of good and bad sleep habits and discussion on how to prevent sleep disorders using fun and colorful cartoons.

In September-October 2021 the team of the project guided by Dr. Lyudmila Korostovtseva, PhD, Research Fellow of the Somnology Group, Research Institute of Arterial Hypertension, Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), developed the scenarios of 4 cartoons:

1. Energy drinks: good or evil?
This video gives a detailed view on energy drinks, a popular way to fight against our bodies in order to stay awake.

2. How Do Different Animals Sleep?
The video stems from the idea that although all living creatures need to sleep, they do it in drastically different ways.

3. Hello sleepwalkers!
The video gives an explanation what sleep disorders are.

4. Insomnia. Why is it so hard to sleep?
What is insomnia, and which types it can be.

In November 2021, young animators from ТАК! Animation Studio started to draw and film the cartoons. The working process was exciting and fun for all participants.

By December 2021, the first cartoon on sleep disorders and energy drinks was ready.

It is planned to finalize the work by May 2022.


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