Russian cardiologists took part in the annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association

2017-11-17 00:00:001411
Russian cardiologists took part in the annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (November 11-15, 2017, Anaheim, USA).

This year the joint session of the Russian Society of Cardiology and American Heart Association was held at the meeting and was dedicated to the current achievements in treating heart failure. The scientific session entitled "Current Advances in Management of Heart Failure: From Prevention to Medication" was initiated and submitted by President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, General Director of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre (St. Petersburg) Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto.

Specialists of the Almazov Centre made oral presentations at the symposium. Chief of the Scientific Laboratory of Neuromodulation Dr. Evgeny Mikhailov presented on Аutonomous Nervous System Modulation in Congestive Heart Failure. Director of the Institute of Medical Education, research fellow of the Scientific Laboratory of Electrocardiology Dr. Elena Parmon made a presentation on Molecular and Genetic Issues in Diagnostics and Treatment of Cardiomyopathies.

Prof. Igor Yavelov  (National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Moscow) made an oral presentation on CAD and risk factors prevalence in Russia and FSU countries on the joint symposium of the American Herat Association and Cardioprogress Fund.

Among those Russian institutions presented on the Scientific Session in 2017 were: Russian Cardiology Research Centre (Moscow), Moscow State University, Institute of bioorganic chemistry (Moscow), State Research Institute of blood circulation pathology (Novosibirsk) and Volgograd State Medical University. This year American Heart Association awarded the study of Prof. Yuriy Lopatin and co-authors with the Paul Dudley White International Scholar certificate. Their abstract us based on the Optimize Heart Failure Program conducted in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
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