RSC staff member received an Honorary Blood Donor of Saint-Petersburg badge

2019-03-24 00:00:001351

The award was established in 2018, and the first donors received it in June. The badge symbolizes respect and acknowledgment of the donor's commitment. To become and Honorary Donor of Saint-Petersburg a person needs to donate blood 20 and more times in the hospitals of the city.

Medical specialists and people involved in the medicine understands the importance of blood donation more than anyone. And the members of the Russian Society of Cardiology actively support and promote blood donation. 

RSC staff gave their blood multiple times. One of personnel members, Ekaterina Uvarova, donates blood regularly. In the beginning of March she gave blood for the 38th time. And on March 18th she was among those who received an Honorary Blood Donor of Saint-Petersburg badge. The ceremony took place in the City Blood Transfusion Station.

Right now more than 30,000 citizens of the city are active blood donors, and more than 1,000 of them received the badge. Unfortunately, the city still experiences shortage of blood donors. So we would like to encourage everyone who meets the criteria and can become a blood donor to donate their blood.

To learn more about blood donation visit

Information about the Honorary Blood Donor of Saint-Petersburg badge is available at



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