RSC speakers will present on the 26th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension

2016-06-01 00:00:001595

On June 10-13 in Paris, France the 26th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection will be held. Within the congress Russian cardiologists - members of the RSC - will make oral presentations.

On June 11 within the educational seminar RSC vice-president Prof. Alexandra Konradi will present a lecture "Is BP control different in women compared to men?" on different therapy approaches in hypertension treatment depending on sex of the patient. Dr. Oxana Rotar will make a report "Metabolically healthy obesity and metabolically obese normal weight in Russian population" within the session "Epidemiology of hypertension metabolic disorders". Her talk will consist data from the Russian epidemiological stusy ESSE-RF.

On June 12 within the session "Cardiovascular risk factors" Dr. Nadezhda Zvartau will make a presentation "Five-years trends in demographic characteristics of hypertensive patients referred to specialized cardiological centre: age and gender" based on the joint study of the Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre (St.Petersburg) and ITMO University (St.Petersburg).

14 poster presentations were included in the scientific pregramme of the congress as well.

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