RSC President Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto made an opening speech

2014-04-02 00:00:002677
RSC President Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto made an opening speech:

Dear friends and colleagues!

Let me congratulate all of you with the start of the Forum. Carried out by the Russian Society of Cardiology this educational meeting is one of the most important spring events of the Russian medicine. It reflects all those rapid changes that are presented in post-graduate education.

Realization of the joint project on continuous medical education of Ministry of Health and National Medical Chamber is targeted on radical improvement of professional skills getting and application system. It is you who will create and apply into clinical practice new effective methods of diagnostic and treatment of cardiovascular diseases on the basis of medical science achievements, solve prevention and rehabilitation issues for our patients.

Within the Forum you will have unique opportunity to meet with the leading Russian cardiologists, discuss problems and achievements of translational researches of cardiovascular diseases.

Only continuous professional education and research work will let you remain a good and essential specialist in our great job.

I whole-heartedly wish you effective work and achieving all your goals!

Sincerely yours,
RSC President
Evgeny Shlyakhto


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