RSC members took part in the 28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection

2018-06-26 00:00:001523

On June 8-11, 2018 the 28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection took place in Barcelona, Spain. The congress was held by the European Society of Hypertension. Presentation of the new 2018 ESH/ESC Arterial hypertension guidelines was the hottest event of the meeting.

After the release of the American guidelines on hypertension in 2017 when the new threshold levels for blood pressure had been lowered the European point of view was really up to date.

The opening plenary session was held in memoriam Prof. Alberto Zanchetti. For the past 17 years Prof. Zanchetti was helding a position of chief editor of the Hypertension journal. Prof. Zanchetti was a pioneer and one of the leading experts in hypertension. He stood at the origins of European Hypertension guidelines 2003, 2007, 2013 and even took part in the development of the 2018 edition.

The programme of the Congress traditionally combined plenary ssesions on global issues of hypertension and narrow-focused symposia on particular questions of fiagnostics and treatment.

Russia was represented by the specialists of the research department of hypertension of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint-Petersburg) and National Medical Research Center of Preventive Medicine (Moscow). Several delegates made oral presentations including Prof. D. V. Nebieridze and poster presentations.

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