Photos of Russian cardiologists for the Opening ceremony of ESC Congress in Paris

2019-04-22 00:00:001112

Dear colleagues!

On August 31 - September 4, 2019 the annual ESC Congress will be held in Paris which will attract more than 32,000 healthcare professionals from around the world. This year opening ceremony will feature a short video showcasing cardiovascular medicine practiced in seven different countries. The ESC leadership is eager to highlight the dedicated cardiovascular professionals in the Russian Society of Cardiology.

We encourage you to send photos of different CV physicians at work. These photos could include: imaging shots, cath. lab shots, a doctor/patient in an exam room, a doctor scrubbing up for surgery,   a doctor taking a patient’s blood pressure, a doctor using a stethoscope, a doctor taking a case history, a group of doctors in a classroom or talking together in a hallway, or anything else you are able to obtain.   

The photos should be candid shots of cardiologists – male and female – caring for their patients. (NOT looking at the camera). 

NOTE: photos must be of high resolution (3 Mb and more).

Please send pictures to before May 5th, 2019.

Then some of these pictures will be incorporated into the video that will officially open ESC Congress 2019. The key message:  millions of people are alive today because of the dedication of cardiovascular professionals around the world.

Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.