EHJ: Cardiologists of Tomorrow, Russia

Recently in the European Heart Journal (ссылка на страницу журнала) an article called "The working group of Young Cardiologists of the Russian Society of Cardiology" was published.

The second webinar "Atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular diseases in Russia. Secondary cardiovascular prevention" within the joint RSC and ACC project

Russian Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology conduct a joint educational programme in form of webinars dedicated to cardiovascular prevention.

Russian Society of Cardiology joined the May Measurement Month

Russian Society of Cardiology joined the May Measurement Month - A global Blood Pressure (BP) Awareness Campaign, incorporating World Hypertension Day.

Archive articles of the Russian Journal of Cardiology are available now!

There is a mobile application available for subscribers and readers: you can use your account to read the articles on your phone.

Russian journal of cardiology is at the 4th place in rating Science Index (RSCI)

The best of all cardiologic research in Russia is submitted to the Journal.
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