Russian women said "Yes!" to a healthy heart on the City Day of Moscow!

В эту субботу, 5 сентября в музее-заповеднике Царицыно жители и гости столицы собрались, чтобы отметить 868-летие Москвы.

Joint project of the RSC and ESC on webinars with Russian subtitles

RSC Board of Educational programmes together with European Society of Cardiology releases ESC webinars with Russian subtitles.

Experts from RSC and Antihypertensive League created a brochure for medical practitioners that integrates the most used scales and lists of cardiological risks.

Experts from RSC and Antihypertensive League created a brochure for medical practitioners that integrates the most used scales and lists of cardiological risks.

American Society of Nuclear Cardiology offers RSC members free memberships

ANSC would like to partner with the Russian Society of Cardiology. As part of the outreach program, ASNC and GE Healthcare are working to distribute some complimentary International memberships in Russia for the rest of 2015.

RSC President Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto visited Yakutsk

June 4, 2015 within the Republican scientific conference "Secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases" held by Republican cardiological clinic RSC President and director of the Federal North-West Medical Research Centre (St.Petersburg) Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto presented a key lecture on heart failure.

RSC section "IT in cardiology" organizes broadcast where participants can gain CME credits

Ministry of health of the Russian Federation currently implements new model of continuing medical education.

The city of Tyumen became the worlds cardiological center for three days

VI International Congress "Cardiology at a crossroad of sciences" was held in Tyumen on May 20-22, 2015. Russian and foreign specialists assembled in the Tyumen Cardiology Center, and congress was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of this great institution.
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