Russian doctor took the 1st place in the Moderated ePoster Session at the ESC Congress in Paris

The awarded poster was titled "Cellular mechanisms of aortic valve calcification in primary human valvular interstitial cell culture".

EHJ article: Evgeny Chazov and Bernard Lown

Publishing of such articles may help to spark interest among the post-cold war generation of cardiologists and physicians.

ESC Congress 2020 in Amsterdam – Call for Sessions

Congress Programme Committee invites you to submit proposals on behalf of the Russian Society of Cardiology.

MMM19: Servier travel grant to the Russian Congress in Ekaterinburg found its recipient!

In May and June 2019 in 20 Russian regions blood pressure was checked in 5,000 people.

University Health Center jointly with North-Kavkaz Cluster supported the international preventive health action MMM19

For the third year in a row social initiative was joined by the doctors of the University Health Center (Stavropol State Medical University).

Cardiologists of Chita (Russia) joined MMM2019

Specialists of the Chita State Medical Academy participated in the May Measurement Month social initiative.

RSC Regional Congress in Makhachkala

Региональный конгресс РКО проходит в Махачкале 14 - 15 июня.
Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.