On September 25th the Day of Red Dress was held at the Russian National Congress of Cardiology in Ekaterinburg

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On the eve of the World Heart Day Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer called for everyone to Go Red for Women within the social action “Pulse of Life”.

Let’s attract public attention to the problem of cardiovascular diseases in women!

Cardiovascular diseases annually affect millions of lives. It is really scary numbers showing real danger. One of the reason of the sorrowful statistics is absence of timed medical appointments and annual check-up.

We encourage you to support the initiative Red Dress for Women, make your contribution to attracting public attention to the cardiovascular prevention. More at

Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.