On October 3-5, 2012, the Russian National Congress of Cardiology was held in Moscow

2012-10-07 00:00:002683

On October 3-5, 2012, the Russian National Congress of Cardiology was held in Moscow. Over 5,000 delegates from 22 countries took part in the event that proved to be true success.


This year, for the first time in the history of national events, the Russian Congress of Cardiology was visited by the leaders of European Society of Cardiology, 14 presidents of European national societies who presented their talks at scientific sessions.


President of European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Professor Panos Vardas emphasized that the Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC) is a significant ESC partner with common priorities.


“We are seeking joint solutions, first of all, to improve doctors’ qualification. Today our efforts are aimed at joint educational initiatives as well as involving Russian specialists into the largest European research program EurobservationalResearchProgram, which is expected to get extremely important data for the whole Europe”, - said Professor Vardas.


In the evening of October, 3d, the first winners of the Russian Society of Cardiology Award Competition were named.


A number of renewed guidelines were approved at the Russian National Congress of Cardiology. Among them: RSC and Russian National Society of Arrhythmologists Guidelines on Atrial Fibrillation 2012, “Inherited Connective Tissue Disorders in Cardiology”, Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Starting from Childhood, as well as Russian Guidelines on Dyslipidaemia Diagnosis and Correction to Prevent and Treat Atherosclerosis.


During the Congress, more than 180 new RSC members were registered at the joint stand of RSC and ESC. Within two and a half days, 110 scientific sessions were held; one fifth of the time was devoted to presenting authors’ own clinical and experimental results, more than 30 lectures were delivered by foreign specialists, European and American scientists co-chaired 15 sessions.


73 companies from 20 countries took part in the exhibition of new technologies, patient-care items and drugs. 17 media partners and 25 media outlets covered activities at the Russian National Congress of Cardiology. 

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