On May 11th, 2018 ESC president Prof. Jeroen J. bax visited Saint-Petersburg

2018-05-14 00:00:002298

Prof. Jeroen J. Bax, president of the European Society of Cardiology and director of Non-invasive Imaging and director of the Echo Laboratory in the Department of Cardiology at the Leiden University Medical Center (the Netherlands) payed a visit to the Almazov National Medical Research Centre (St.Petersburg, Russia) and had a meeting with Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto, president of the Russian Society of Cardiology and director general of the Almazov Centre. They discussed the possibilities of research, scientific and clinical collaboration of the institutions.

On that day a symposium on cardiovascular imaging was held in the Centre. Prof. Bax and his Russian colleagues presented the lectures on hot topics:


Prof.  Jeroen Bax, Netherlands. Imaging in Sudden Cardiac Death

Prof.  Vladimir Fokin, Russia. Modern imaging  in cardiology: CT and MRI present and future

Prof.  Darya Ryzhkova, Russia. Cardiac nuclear imaging: state of the art and new trends

Prof.   Jeroen Bax, Netherlands. Аortic stenosis - a problem of the valve or the ventricle?

Prof. Mikhail Galagudza, Russia. Experimental and Translational Research in the Almazov Centre

During his visit Prof. Bax get acquainted with the facilities of the Centre: Preclinical Translational Research Centre (director - Prof. Michail Galagudza), Institute of molecular biology and genetics (director - Dr. Anna Kostareva) and hybrid operating unit.




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