MMM19: Servier travel grant to the Russian Congress in Ekaterinburg found its recipient!

2019-07-09 00:00:001267

In May and June 2019 in 20 Russian regions blood pressure was checked in 5,000 people. May Measurement Month 2019 was supported by the Russian Society of Cardiology and Servier.

Doctors from Ulyanovsk supervised by Dr. Ekaterina Makeeva (City Clinical Hospital 1, Perinatal Center) screened the most patients correctly (3 times and filling the form).

For this achievement she will receive a travel grant provided by Servier to the Russian National Congress of Cardiology to be held in Ekaterinburg on September 24-26, 2019. We congratulate Dr. Makeeva with the opportunity to take part in the Congress and thank all active participants for their work and wish them professional success!

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